Wednesday, October 3, 2012

*A Lil Questionaire for my 3.5 year old* :]

I asked Eli these questions today just for the fun of it!! He did a good job answering them!!! After going through all of this I thought "man... he is getting so big." I know that may sound gay haha just from asking him ?s that I say that... but it is just lil things like this that make me realize even more how big my babies are getting... they are sooo darn smart and I am soooo proud of them!!! I just want the darn time to FREEZE tho before they are heading off to college and I am one sad Mommy... thank goodness many years are down the road before then :] This is so cute too -- makes me smile!!! LOVE my babies!

1. Who is your best friend? Zacary (so darn sweet) :]

2. What is your favorite thing to do? Play baseball

3. What is your favorite color? Red

4. What is your favorite food? Macaroni and Cheese

5. What do you like to do with your family? Play games

6. What is your favorite toy? Baseball bats

7. What do you want to be when you grow up? A race car driver

8. What make you happy? That we get to pick out pumpkins soon to make into Angry Birds for Halloween (that is what my lil men want their pumpkins to look like this year) :]

9. What makes you sad? At night when Mommy is gone (when I leave his room after putting him to bed before he goes to sleep... Break my heart... but so sweet too! Watch me sleep with him tonight now hahaha bed time with my boys is huge to them and it means so much to me!!!)

10. What is your favorite show to watch? The Wiggles

11. What is your favorite book? Any book about puppy dogs.

12. What do you love to learn about? His letters.

13. What was best part of your last birthday? When we went to Jump To It. (when he turned 3) :]

14. Where do you like to go? Monkey Joe's

16. What is your favorite treat? Fruit Snacks

17. What do you think about before you fall asleep? If you will have Kylee on my birthday (hahaha too funny -- I love you buddy so much but Mama is not waiting til January to have baby sis :])

18. If you could meet someone famous who would it be? His friend Ava (too cute)

20. Name and age? Elijah Andrew -- 3.5 years old.

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