Saturday, March 16, 2013

*** March 5, 2013 -- Happy 4 Months my Kylee Kathryn ***

I really can not believe my baby girl is 4 months old already ahhhh!! WHERE IS THE PAUSE BUTTON?? I of course cherish every single second and moment with my babies.. and I always will. I just do not want them to grow up -- it's way over-rated!!! I just adore and love my lil fam of 5 sooooo stinking much though -- they are my world and my everything and I do not know what I would ever do without them! Their smiles, sweet lil faces and the things they say get me through my everydays and make my heart sooooo happy!!!! I am such a blessed girl soooo much and will do anything in the world for my lil fam always -- I love them sooooo!!!

What are you up to my pretty Kylee girl!?

She is just now introduced to baby cereal and she loves it. She actually gets a lil bit mad bc she wants to keep the spoon in her mouth haha!!!! She gobbles it right on up though and is def a fan!!! We are moving to baby food soon too -- we go next Thurs the 28th for her 4 month check up and I am assuming Dr Rice will give the go ahead with veggie baby food so we will tr her out! I really can not believe we are to this point already!!!! BITTERSWEET.

She is wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers! Your lil feetsies are so lil I can't keep many shoes on you just yet -- and socks too! It is so funny and cute :] You are taking 1 three hour nap a day and take a 30 min snooze every morning too. You are now in your crib in your room at night and sleeping pretty good still! You get up once a night to eat and go right back to sleep but you are definitely adjusting to your crib even better every day!!! I am so proud of you my sweet lil girl!!! I go in and check on her so much -- it's so sad when your babies have to move to their room and aren't in yours any more. Yet, another sign of growing up arrrrg :[ But, like I did with my lil men -- I do blast her monitor hahaha!!! I just can not help myself :] She likes to be cuddled to sleep before nap and bed and she goes to bed around 8/8:30pm, wakes up between 3am and 5am to eat and then sleeps til about 7:30am! Not bad at all!!!! I have always had such good lil sleepers -- my babies sure love their sleep and their beds!!!

My baby girl is getting such a personality! I love to see her face light up when she sees me -- and her kick her lil feet! She is that way to her brothers too and Daddy!! It is always so much fun when they show you the love in return they have for you at such a lil baby age! It melts my heart so much! Even when they fuss just b/c they want Mommy to hold them, etc!!! That is the stage she is at now and I just adore it!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE every bit of it :]

My Kylee girl is rolling over from belly to back and back to belly! She also loves the TV and she loves her jumperoo and baby mat too!!! She is now recognizing her hands, and she holds some of her lil toys and reaches for some of them too :] You are so full of smiles that are ever so sweet! I just love them and you to pieces! As of this week she is also blowing the lil bubbles too and it is soooo precious! She loves to talk too and it just melts my heart -- every single bit of it :] I love your big smiles when I go to get you out of your crib it makes my heart smile so much!!!! She love love loves to sit up in her bumbo and have us stand her up on her lil legs too -- she is so strong and such a sweetie pie!!!!! You are such a joy to our lil fam my baby girl and I love you to the moon and back!!!!!

Kylee still only eats 4 oz bottles every 2-3 hours! She is growing sooo long too and is such a lil skinny girl! I weighed her at home and she is 14.5 lbs!!! She is my smallest so far at her age out of my 3 kiddos! But she is def healthy, happy, and growing and I am ever so thankful for that!!!!! She is starting to lose some of her hair in the back -- but I know it will grow back! She loves her pretty hair bows and earrings too -- never messes with them and they are so precious on her! Although she could go without either one and still be my pretty lil girl always!!!! Her new thing is to pull her headbands over her eyes at times haha! It's so cute and funny!!! I instantly pull it back up and she has a look on her face like "uhhh what just happened!?!?" It is so funny and cute and so adorable how my lil men want to run over and help her out!!! They are such good lil helpers and soooo good with her. They love to say HI to her, give her hugs, dance her lil arms gentle, and just show her anything! She adores them too -- she smiles so big at them, follows them with her eyes, and loves when they get in her face to play awww!!! It makes my heart sooooo happy!!!! :] My lil men sure are good helpers for me too -- always wanting to help me out and it is so darn sweet!!!!

We have such a great bed routine we folllow and nap routine too! We start out in our room for both nap and bed and put on a lil movie or cartoon on TV and watch it. I do not keep the TV on all day, so this special time of TV is fun for us! We watch a lil before nap and before bed time! I snuggle my babies and feed Kylee and snuggle her and sing to her/pat her until she falls asleep. Yes, somedays I sit there and let her sleep on me for a lil bit and then take her to her room to sleep for the rest of her nap -- gotta soak in those lil baby cuddle times as much as you can!!! I then spend some time with my lil men for a lil bit -- we watch TV for a lil still, talk, play toddler computer games, etc and then take Zacary into his room while we read books, sing, go over some learning stuff some days, and then talk a lil and say our I love you's and kisses. Eli sits in his bed during this time playing toddler games on my phone or our kindle. Once I go into Eli's room we do the same as I do with Zacary! I reallllly love the transition of it and how good it goes! I get to spend a lil one on one time with each of my kiddos before nap and bed everyday and it is good time for us and so much fun to do!!! I love the way it works out -- it's so much fun and something I always cherish of course! I always tell my babies as I leave their rooms and after I kiss them that I love them to the moon and back and that I will always lay with them before nap and bed no matter how big they are :]:]:] They are my world!!!!! Love seeing their lil smiles and hearing their "i love you's" in return :]:] Well and of course Kylee has her lil smile in return awww!!!

I can’t put into enough words how excited I am to always know I have my lil men and lil girl and hubby with me always and as a family! It absolutely means the world to me and I am so truly blessed to have them in my life! I would not be the person I am today without my hubby and my babies- that is for sure! They have made me who I am, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world! My kiddos are my life, and I love them to death! I am so happy- so so so so happy! Life is definitely good :] Being a Mommy is one of the best feelings in the world too! I absolutely LOVE it soooo much! <3 p="">
My Kylee Kathryn you are always a very sweet sweet lil girl full of love, laughs, and smiles! You and your big brothers mean absolutely everything to me and you both make my days in the smallest ways! I am soooo blessed to have 2 great lil boys and 1 great lil girl, that is for sure! I will never forget the day you all were born and we met you for the first time- I knew right then and there you were perfect and wonderful for our family! I love watching you and big brothers grow everyday and not missing a thing! It is wonderful and I love my full-time job as both of your Mommy! I would never ever change a thing in the world to be home with you 3 every single day- it is the best decision I have ever ever made! I am ever sooo thankful for this and cherish each and every moment everyday! I can never thank Daddy enough for all he has done for us and for giving me such a wonderful gift!!!! I love you all to the moon and back -- never ever ever forget it -- and you all are my best friends!!!!

HAPPY 4 MONTHS MY PRETTY LIL GIRL!!! We go to the Dr for 4 mo Mar 28 and I will post stats then comparing her's to the boys too!!! I am also going to post her 4 month pics we got done too eeeek they are sooooo good I am very happy with them!!!

Now please baby girl, search for that PAUSE button for Mommy ok?? TIME NEEDS TO SLOW THE HECK DOWN :] I am having a very hard time with it :/:/ Of course I cherish every single moment and always will -- just want my babies to be lil forever <3 always="" babies="" be="" matter="" my="" no="" p="" they="" though="" what="" will="">

Here is all of my babies at 4 months old in the jumperoo that they all LOVED/LOVE!!! You can def tell they are siblings awwww LOVE!!! :]
The pics below are family pics we had taken last Saturday and I just look at them so much and smile -- they are awesome and sooooo good!!!!!! I just love them so stinkin much :]

Then some randoms too -- my kiddos are thee best!!! :]


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