Sunday, February 10, 2013

*** February 5, 2013: Happy 3 months my Kylee girl! *** :]

My baby Kylee is THREE months old today -- can we say... whaaaaat?? I really can not believe how fast the time has gone by so far! I have def cherished every single moment with her though and my lil men -- never let a day pass by I regret -- gotta get those baby snuggles and every bit of time in that I can... these lil itty bitty years can never be replaced... and unfourtantely go by soooooo fast!!! :/ Love my precious babies to the moon and back!!!

It really melts my heart to see the new things that Kylee learns everyday! She is soooo alert now, on a great schedule, and definitely knows who her Mama, Daddy, and big brothers are! :] She follows us as we walk near her or walk off to do something, and come into the room too!! She gives theeee biggest lil baby smiles alllll the time and every time she wakes up and is always in such a great lil mood too -- it is soooo cute!

Kylee is sleeping all night pretty much! I consider it all night anyway :] She gets up around 5am to eat and is seriously back to sleep in the middle of the bottle and stays asleep til around 8:30am! She MAY wake up earlier than 5am at times... but all in all it is only one time she wakes up for the comfort and a lil food to hold her off til it is time to get up for the day! I take it the way it works and never complain, of course! She lets me sleep and with 3 kids 4 and under -- that is one thing that keeps me going with my energy is them all letting their Mama get her sleep :] I am very lucky to have such good lil babies that let me sleep and pretty much go with the flow on everything we do and are so good about it -- very very blessed for absolutely everything about them and for them, and for having such great and healthy babies!!!! I love the 3 of them sooooo stinking much!!!

People see me in public and say "oh my gosh you have your hands full" and it makes me laugh! I am soooo used to it.. I don't see it that way at all! It really is not hard for me... I just go with the flow, go by a great schedule with them and things I need to get done when they sleep, I do the best I can for them at all times of course, and enjoy every bit of life with them!!!! I keep my energy going and don't crash my energy until I go to bed at night... life is wonderful!!!!!! :] I am not going to stop what we do in life b/c I have 3 kids -- I want them to do what we do in our schedule each day still and during the week always... it is so good for them and they love every single bit of it!! We have so much fun together and we all enjoy our time together always!!!! Going from 2-3 babies was an easy breeze -- really it was! Kylee is such a good baby too -- she fits into our lil fam soooo perfect and is such a good lil happy, loving girl!!!

Kylee is getting more into rattles and will grip them here and there! She likes to look at her rattle toys on her swing and car seat and just figure out what the hay they are haha!!!! She loves when we shake the rattles in her face and makes her eyes so big and gets excited haha it's so cute! We also have a praise baby dvd I always played for my lil men starting round this age tooa nd she love love loves it! She loves watching the TV it's so funny! My lil men always did this too :] Kylee also LOVES to stand up on the floor and on our legs while we on to her and she is so strong! Sometimes she gets upset if we are not standing her up with help haha! It is so precious!

Kylee is taking one 3 hour nap a day and other then that, she may take a quick 30 min snooze sometime in the morning too and she does great with nap! She isn't a huge fan of her crib... she nevr sleeps as good in it as she does in her infant seat or pak n play BUT we will keep working on it!!! I try to have her sleep in her room at nap though to get a good feel of it for when she is sleeping in her room at night. For now, I still have her with us in our room since she wakes up that one lil time to eat. I could move her... but just not ready for that yet ha! She is my last lil baby for some time... so I want her to stay with me for a lil bit longer!!!! BITTERSWEET!!!!

She is wearing size 3-6 month clothes, and we just moved her to size 2 diapers this week! She loves to laugh, smile, and she had her first deep down belly laugh February 1st and it was so cute! I was talking to her and touched her lil cheeker and she laughed so much! I have a video below of her laughing too -- so so cute and her big brothers love to hear her make "coo" noises and laugh -- they get a big kick out of it awww such sweethearts!!!

Kylee still loves to be held and cuddled before her naps and bed time and I just love it -- my lil men went thru that forever and still love me to lay with them for a lil bit before bed and after their story time, etc! LOVE this time with the 3 of them... of course I love every lil moment with them... snuggle time is something to always cherish with your kiddos tho always!!!! Love holding them tight and I never ever wunna let them go!

We have not gone thru any teething yet... I am wondering when that will be!?!? I know every baby is different so we shall see! Eli was going thru teething at 3 mo but Zacary was not... only time will tell :] She has not shown any signs yet!!

She loves her bumbo and sitting up in it... as a matter of fact she gets upset at times if she is not sitting up in it awww!! Such a big big girl and it is so bittersweet! She has not rolled over from belly to back or back to belly yet but is close and I know it is coming soon! She really is not a fan of tummy time though... but I work with her on it still especially laying her on her tummy on my legs!!! She loves to play on her baby jungle mat too :]

Kylee goes to bed around 8 or 8:30pm and other than waking up around 5am... sleeps til 8am or 8:30am!! She loves to sleep in for such a lil girl!!! Her nap is usually around 1/1:30pm and she sleeps 3 hours! Such a good lil napper she is too! She is such a good lil baby!!!! :] She is eating 4 oz bottles still too and she does great with every bit of her formula! So far no reflux or gas problems... which is great! I cross my fingers it stays this way b/c it was soooooo sad to see my lil men go thru with this :[:[:[

It melts my heart so much to see my baby girl and her big brothers together. She looks at them and smiles and smiles and they just adore her and love her so much! They tell her they love her, they love to help put her headbands in, and just to say HI to her in her lil face and show her toys! It is sooooooo cute and just melts me so stinking much! She sure has great big brothers that is for sure -- they will always protect her too!!!!! I just love it and how much she adores them back is so precious too :] Makes this Mama have a huge smile!!!!

Kylee has a fave blankey -- it is her pink eeyore one!! She loves to sleep with it! I find it so cute b/c all my kiddos have fave blankeys they sleep with :]:] We went to the dr at 2 months and she did great! She had to get her lil shots which I dislike sooo much and it made me so sad for her but she took it like a champ and did great all together and was done crying fast which helped out huge! I, of course, made the dr's face her towards them so she didn't think her Mama was doing it to her!!!! I hate shots grrrrrr!!!

At 2 months old she was 12 lbs 9 oz and 24 inches long!!!

My lil men's stats were these:
Eli -- 12 lbs 8 oz and 23 3/4 inches long ---------- Zacary -- 12 lbs 9 oz and 23.5 inches long.

SO in other words -- they are all RIGHT in the same range as one another... I find this so neat and cool! My babies are theeeee best!! :]

We go back in March for her 4 month and of course I will keep you updated!!! :] Speaking of that we had Eli's 4 year check up the same day as Kylee's 2 month and it went great (besides the shots -- booooooo!) -- he passed with flying colors and is all ready for preschool this year. That is such a sad topic tho that I am emotional beyond words about -- so will not talk about it right now :[:[:[ Just a very hard time for this Mama and her baby boy too :[ Gets me so upset! BUT they have to grow up unfourtantely and I know it will be good for him. He is also 35 lbs and 39 inches long! He did so great his whole check up and he did great with his big 4 year old tests too and with his vision too! I am one proud proud Mommy for how good he did and cooperated with the nurses and Dr! He did excellent with baby sis to -- way to go my babies -- Mommy is so so proud of you!!! Zacary was with us then too of course and he helped Mommy cheer on big bro and baby sis and showed his love for them too when they had to get shots :[:[ They did as good as they could tho and then we dodged out of that place fast!!!

Kylee Kathryn we love you oh so much my baby girl! I Mommy loves being home with you and your big brothers every single day and would never change a thing in the world for it!!!!! It makes me oh so happy and my heart a biiiig mush!!!! I love to be there to teach you all and to see you smile and laugh and have a good time together! You are so very special to us just like your big brothers are!!!! I absolutely love the world of having my 2 lil boys and my lil girl -- it is such a complete feeling and sooooo much fun!!!! Daddy is so excited to see his boys and lil girl when he gets home from work -- he is such a good Daddy! Mommy and Daddy are alllllllways here for you my lil princess and please know that as you grow. I will do absolutely anything in this world for my babies- no doubt about it!!! Thanks for bein a lil sunshine and such a sweet lil girl that is always so happy and full of joy and love- I love you so much and I am so blessed to have 2 great and awesome lil boys and 1 great and awesome lil girl!!!! Happy 3 month, my Kylee girl :]

Here are some pics of my pretty baby girl and handsome my lil men too!!! :]

You can so tell they are siblings, huh!? I think she looks so much like Eli!!! I see some of Zacary in her too though! Everyone always says she is Eli's lil twin -- I so agree!!! LOVE my precious babies to the moon and back! This pic makes me tear up too -- look how lil my lil men are awwww they grow so darn fast :[:[ LOVE YOU 3 SOOOOOO MUCH!!! I wouldn't be me without you!!!!

Tried out her high chair since she loves sitting up and she soooo showed the high chair what was up -- smile and all!!! You are so beautiful my lil girl!!!!!

Always having such sweet sweet smiles :]:] Melts my heart!!!

Me and my baby girl before she got her ears pierced!!!! :] I love you so so much my pretty girl!

Looking way beautiful!!!! She is rocking out her cutie earrings and headband made by cousin Kelly :]

One Valentine's Day craft we made -- Zacary's hand is pink, Eli's is red and they are holding a heart and then holding baby sis' hand too!!!! LOVE it!!! THEY ARE MY ABSOLUTE WORLD <3 p="">
 Love this outfit on her -- she looks cute in anything tho if you ask me -- she is sooooo pretty and such a good happy smiley baby girl :]:]

Almost every time Daddy holds her -- they both fall asleep haha! I JUST LOVE IT and my hubby and babies so much!!! Tooooo cute for words :]
My baby girl got her ears pierced!!!! She was so tough I couldn't believe it! We got it done on Feb 6th!! She cried but not for long and was seriously smiling 1 minute later!!! I was soooo nervous and the lady that did them laughed at me b/c she said the way I was making my face and acting it was like I was getting it done hahahaha!!!! We wanted to have her get it done before she is at the age to mess with them! Big brothers and Daddy like her earrings too :]:] I am proud of how good she did -- and I was also very glad the lady had me hold her up against me so Kylee did not think I did it to her!!! I LOVE YOU MY LIL GIRL :] Earrings or not you are so pretty... we know you will love them and we were excited to get them done for you :] She has done great with them -- they have never bothered her once and she has never messed with them too -- we are really glad even more we chose to do it when we did even tho I could have fallen over nervous at first and when she was getting them done ha!!!

Made a lil heart craft with big brothers :]:]:]

Can I say -- my lil men are looking soooo grown up and of course handsome too!?!? I love you so so much my lil guy you are so funny and precious! He loves his lil Bernie dog too and yesterday was Bernie's birthday according to him -- he is 1 year old and we had dessert for him at Taco Mac last night haha!!!! I just love it! My kiddos are soooo amazing and keep this Mama smiling always!!! SOOOOOO cute with his lil imagination and cute lil self! I LOVE YOU :]

He looks so stinkin grown up too awwww! He is such a sports lover and it is sooooo cute! I love you so so much my lil man!! He wants to make up games all the time with sports teams and his imagination with it is adorable!!! He is always playing baseball and football games in our kitchen and living room for us :] He also knows every NFL team and MLB team by their logos -- it is amazing how smart he is with it!!! You are so sweet and precious my lil man! You are sooo cute and I LOVE YOU :]

and to make this post even longer haha -- I wanted to share these videos :]:]


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