Monday, October 29, 2012

*** 39 Week Dr Appt and Pic ***

I have never made it to 39 weeks with all 3 of my sweet kiddos -- so the title of this looks so funny to me haha!!! Everything is looking great with baby Kylee! She just needs to decide to come now :]

I had my appt at 10:45 am today -- my lil men with me as always -- wouldn't trade it for the world tho I love taking them with me and they love going too -- not one time have they ever complained of going with me to "Kylee's dr appt" hehe :] It is fun for them to hear the heartbeat and stuff too -- and now that we are at appts with them checking me -- they both sit in the double stroller to the side where they can see nothing but their lil toys they bring and toddler games on the nook and my phone that they are playing, and not ask any curious ?s haha!!! (soon to be 4 year olds understand this kinda stuff of course and Zacary always says "mommy you are way up there on the chair" as he raises the chair up higher -- hahaha!) They are always such good boys and do great!

Heartbeat looks good, I am dialated to a 4, and he stripped my membranes! That hurt like no other -- but glad he did it ha! He said he thinks I will have her soon and not make it to my appt next Monday -- but I am trying not to get my hopes up jusssst in case!!

We are so ready for her that is for sure! I have been having really bad pain and heartburn the last 3 nights while trying to go to sleep to where I can hardly breathe and it makes me feel like I am going to vomit. I have to elevate myself up with 3 pillows and lay on my side and it finally goes away... I am staying as positive as I can tho b/c I AM SO CLOSE and she is worth every single stinkin bit of it!!!!!

Eli was so bummed -- for the last couple weeks he has been saying he thought I would have her the 28th... well today he said "Mommy I wanted her to be here on the 28th -- why didn't she come!?" awwww!!! Poor buddys but so stinkin sweet!

So I will clean the heck out of my house again today -- as each day I will until she arrives so my house is not dirty one single bit when we come home with her haha! I am so anal... I will also be bouncing on my yoga ball and doing those jumping jacks too along with spicy food -- I  won't give up haha!!!

Crossing my fingers and toes she is here sooooooon (join me in this please hehe I really want to hold her, meet her, snuggle her, cuddle her, kiss her, hug her, and the whole nine yards!!!!!!) I so can't wait eeeeek!!!

And here is my 39 week preggo pic --
I love this pic!!!! it makes me smile n laugh so much :) love my lil men n their shirts up haha soooo adorable!!! We can't wait to meet you, hug you, kiss you, cuddle you, n hold you n the whole 9 yards my sweet lil girl!!! you are all we are waiting on eeeek feel free to enter this wonderful world :) WE LOVE YOU KYLEE!!!

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