Friday, November 2, 2012

*** Dr Appt Today... ***

Welp... I want to keep you updated on my Kylee girl -- I had to go to the Dr today bc she wasn't moving much and they were concerned she is stressing out bc I am showing so many signs of labor and nothing is happening and I never went this long with the boys. Turns out -- she isn't as low as she was before for some reason but everything looks great with her and her heartbeat which is good good good!!! I am dialated to a 5 and my body is full force ready for labor -- but because she is higher up than she was... that is why nothing is progressing. Dr wants me to come back Mon at 9am and he is gunna TRY his hardest inducing me that day sometime. So we shall see from there! Glad my girl is OK pheeeew and can't wait to see/hold/kiss/snuggle/the whole 9 yeards with her sweet lil self eeeek ♥
This has definitely been a crazy week with preggoness. I have had a great pregnancy tho -- so I am not going to complain! One week won't kill me ha! I hope so much she comes on her own this weekend... but I do not have high hopes on that ha! I have tried it all -- spicy food, pineapple, walking, yoga ball, jumping jacks, primrose oil, you name it! At this point -- I think I am trying too hard!?!? I dunno haha!!! But I will enjoy this rest of this day and the weekend if no labor comes on with my lil family and keep it at that for now! Noah's rents, my rents, and my Grams and Kt all get in next week (Noah's rents Tues night, My rents Weds night, and my sis and Grams Fri night and they all leave Sun night) -- Noah is going to take his time off work after they all leave for alone time with us... which is nice but then again... I feel bad he is waiting a week after she may be born to take his time off. Oh my Kylee girl -- stop prepping that hair and come on out already -- we are so ready for you :]:] She is definitey worth every bit of the wait and this crazy week tho for sure... she is just like her Mama and wants to look her best before entering the world... BUT in my eyes my baby girl will aways be beautiful!
I will keep this posted -- cross your fingers and toes for me... and that she drops down like a cannon ball soon hahahaha :]

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